Monday, August 30, 2010

Where Art Thou Satisfaction?

What does it mean to be satisfied?
What do you base your satisfaction on?

Think about this:
What would happen to our personal levels of "satisfaction" if we were to stop focusing on only ourselves and what we want, and started focusing on others, putting others before ourselves and serving our family and friends around us?!

Try it.


Unknown said...

This is a very true observation. I know personally that it is much more satisfying when you are actively helping others.
"I Can't Get No Satisfaction" is a song recorded by the Rolling Stones. I don't remember all the lyrics, but I remember one line that says: .."but I've tried and I've tried.." Although
their subject matter focused on personal gratification, the lyrics above are so true. When you pursue self gratification you will not get satisfaction! The Bible says in Phil 4:11....for I have learned for whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Ecclesiastes has much to say about fulfillment, satisfaction and true success. One thing is clear, satisfaction and fulfillment comes through living for God and not for ourselves.

Korrin Battle said...

i like this (: