Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mystery Woman

"Your mom's here."
The words bounced up and down in my head, he looked back at me with a confused look on his face, wondering if I'd heard the same thing he had just heard.
His facial expression spoke for him.
"Your mom is here."
He quickly jumped down from the truck trying to organize his thoughts, my mind was racing, thinking surely this was a mistake.
I quickly got down from the truck as well, I was not about to let my kid walk up to some stranger who was professing to be his mother. Not wanting to smother, I stayed a good distance behind, but low and behold, it was her.
If you couldn't tell from anything else, it was in her sharp, cutting eyes... I know those eyes... they're just like his.
A woman he had never met before, claiming to be his mother, touching him, hugging him: that was my job, who was she to come in and interrupt his life after so many years. Do I attack or do I stay back?
Minutes seemed like hours, waiting for her to leave; she leaves: what now? Do I act normal, do I ask questions?
Cautiously walking into his room, I wait for him to call, his eye catches mine. Nervous not quite sure what to do, I turn to leave only to hear the precious words: "Mandy, come!"
I go to where he is, trying to read him, but he won't let me in, afraid that this stranger, this mystery woman has forever changed my little buddy, he speaks...
He's confused, not sure whether or not to be happy, sad, excited, mad, shy, talkative.... he doesn't know... and I don't either.
It will take some time. I want to save him, save him from his thoughts, but this is something that he has to do on his own.
Do I hate this unknown female? No
Do I like her? No
Should I? I'm not sure.... I have to wait and see, see where the mind of this little boy takes it all. How will this all turn out? I don't know.
Am I scared? yes, but for him or for me, I'm not sure.
The only thing to do: pray and pray some more, assuring him all the way, that no matter what happens, I will always be here and I will always love him, and always support him. I will never abandon him.
I hope he understands...