Tuesday, December 22, 2009

48 x too much = ???

48... that's a comfortable number to fit in the little bus. 7 seats on each side, roughly two to a seat, sounds about right, we should be good.
Tonight is a special night. We are picking up kids and their families (those that want to go) to go to the church for the final program of F.L.A.G. Camp. It's a night where all of the kids, who have been going to camp all week long, have the chance to share what they have learned with their family and friends; a very big witnessing opportunity.
As the sky grows dark, we noisily rumble up the mountain, coming up over the hill, 10 sparkling eyes, contently following the bus as it squeaks to a stop. O Good! I'm glad that this family came. I wonder if any other families will come?
We continue on, picking up this kid here and that kid there. Before long, I turn around and a small crowd has gathered by now in the bus.  Nothing too serious, we'll be fine, maybe a little squished...
Two kids turn into four, small families, become larger. The bus is filling, quickly. Will we all fit?
It's gotten to the point now, I think we might have to start turning people away... would Jesus turn people away?... should I just get out and walk?... I'm one person, it's not going to make that much of difference.
We finally arrive at the bottom of the mountain. Not physically being able to turn around, I have to rely on the mirror to see the sea of people standing, sitting and squatting behind me. All of us awkwardly invading the personal space of another.
At the church, I step off of the bus, hot, sticky, drenched in my sweat and that of others. I want to see just how many people we got on this bus.
1 honduran, two hondurans, three hondurans, four...
five hondurans, six hondurans, seven hondurans, more!...
We counted for a number of minutes. I like math, but this was nothing to be solved by an equation, it was pure magic: 116 sweaty people stepped off of that small bus meant for 48!!
On the return trip we took a normal, long bus. Even in the big bus we were packed, people standing in the aisles, definitely still invading the personal bubbles of their neighbors.
On our way back up the mountain, I stood at the front of the bus in awe, shock and unbelief, not quite understanding how we had managed to fit all of these people on the first, much smaller bus!
Discussing it later we could only come to one conclusion: Heavenly Intervention!
I don't know if the bus suddenly became elastic or we all got magically skinnier, or neither of the two, but there was a definite hand of power.
Whether God touched each and every one of those 116 hearts in the church that night, only He knows, but His presence was without a doubt revealed and His power once again un-measureable!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Agape Feast Feeds Thousands

This week was the last week of school. Everything was hectic as usual, with chores to be done, food to be made and most importantly, exams to be studied for. With all of the chaos surrounding us, I came up with the idea of an Agape Feast. It seemed to be a good way to bring not only the crazy week to an end, but also the school year and of course, a peaceful way of bringing in the Sabbath.
It had been in preparation all week, different ideas churning in my head, trying to figure out the best way to attack the situation. After a interesting week, a couple shopping trips to San Pedro and a lot of time spent in the kitchen, it was time! The food was ready with a full on spread of breads, fruits, vegetables, crackers and spreads. It was exciting, something a new experience to share with my Honduran family. Everything was perfect, nothing missing. Even the tables were set up just the way I wanted!
On Friday nights it is the schedule to have vespers first with dinner following. The song service for vespers was great, the participation excellent, everything was going as planned!
While the short devotion was being given, without notice, they started coming. First one, two... that's not too bad, it's ok.... three, four, five... a little more than I would like, but no worries... six, seven, eight... hmmm we're going to have to change something... nine, ten... yikes... eleven, twelve! Twelve visitors, twelve people uncounted for. Twelve extra people that I had to figure out how to feed. In preparing for our special Agape Feast, it had never occurred to me that guests might come. Because the food was so special and more expensive than normal, an exact amount had been bought and prepared, there was no way we could feed 12 extra people!
Vespers ended and I quickly went into the kitchen, coldly calculating my next move. I started sending out trays of food, telling the kids to put one of each on each plate, starting with the guests, each time looking at the tray and knowing good and well that there was no way there was enough for 70 some people.
Then a miracle started happening! One by one the kids started coming back, but instead of telling me they had run out, they diligently reported that there were extras! I couldn't believe my eyes, I was in shock. While sitting in vespers I had counted and recounted that food, it was impossible!
In the end there was plenty to eat, so much so that there seemed to be an epidemic of fullness throughout the entire hogar after the meal was done. To say the least, the feast was a big hit and a lot was gained from experiencing it.
Reflecting on it later I realized that this was my version of the well-known two fish, five loaves story. God had created a miracle right before my very eyes! Who was I that I should deserve such an honor? So maybe the Agape Feast didn't feed thousands, not even hundereds, but the fact that a miracle took place is what's most important, the most incredible part about the whole night!
That's the second time this week that God has personally come down and worked in the kitchen with us! He sure must like to cook! haha
What's on the week next week God?...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Where did the fire come from?

One of my daily tasks is to prepare breakfast every morning. Last Friday morning, I was going through my usual, drowsy routine of getting up before light had broken to make the trek to the kitchen. Everything was going on as usual:
unlock front door - √
turn on eating area light - √
turn on kitchen light - √
unlock refrigerator door - √
bring food out of refrigerator - √
light stove -....
As I went to light the stove, there were no matches to be found. I look high and low, in the nooks and in the crannies, over and under, left and right = nothing! I looked in the storage room behind the kitchen, in the bakery, in the storage area again, in the kitchen... still nothing. What was I to do, I needed matches?! Normally such a thing would seem like such an emergency, but with such a tight schedule it was important that food for these 45 kids was ready on time, if the food wasn't ready on time, then the whole groove of the morning would be thrown off. I walked outside again, trying to figure out what it was that I was going to do. I said a quick prayer that God would help me find some matches and headed back into the kitchen again. As I looked up, a small, yellow flicker caught my eye. It was fire! But where was it coming from? The stove! But I hadn't turned on the stove, let alone lit it! I was quickly able to make up for time lost and like every morning, the food was warmly awaiting the kids as they entered the cafeteria.
Who turned the stove on? Where did the fire come from?... what do you think?
I cooked with God this morning :)

In the Hood...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mystery Woman

"Your mom's here."
The words bounced up and down in my head, he looked back at me with a confused look on his face, wondering if I'd heard the same thing he had just heard.
His facial expression spoke for him.
"Your mom is here."
He quickly jumped down from the truck trying to organize his thoughts, my mind was racing, thinking surely this was a mistake.
I quickly got down from the truck as well, I was not about to let my kid walk up to some stranger who was professing to be his mother. Not wanting to smother, I stayed a good distance behind, but low and behold, it was her.
If you couldn't tell from anything else, it was in her sharp, cutting eyes... I know those eyes... they're just like his.
A woman he had never met before, claiming to be his mother, touching him, hugging him: that was my job, who was she to come in and interrupt his life after so many years. Do I attack or do I stay back?
Minutes seemed like hours, waiting for her to leave; she leaves: what now? Do I act normal, do I ask questions?
Cautiously walking into his room, I wait for him to call, his eye catches mine. Nervous not quite sure what to do, I turn to leave only to hear the precious words: "Mandy, come!"
I go to where he is, trying to read him, but he won't let me in, afraid that this stranger, this mystery woman has forever changed my little buddy, he speaks...
He's confused, not sure whether or not to be happy, sad, excited, mad, shy, talkative.... he doesn't know... and I don't either.
It will take some time. I want to save him, save him from his thoughts, but this is something that he has to do on his own.
Do I hate this unknown female? No
Do I like her? No
Should I? I'm not sure.... I have to wait and see, see where the mind of this little boy takes it all. How will this all turn out? I don't know.
Am I scared? yes, but for him or for me, I'm not sure.
The only thing to do: pray and pray some more, assuring him all the way, that no matter what happens, I will always be here and I will always love him, and always support him. I will never abandon him.
I hope he understands...

Sunday, April 19, 2009


The light of the moon glistens in the tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks back, wondering when she will ever come to see her home again. The fear in her eyes is sharp and striking, but she valiantly keeps moving forward, gently placing each foot on the ground, with each step taking her farther away from where she wants to be. It takes all of the strength within her to keep her from running back to the comfort of what she knows, but there's no going back. The car door slams shut and like the switch of a button, her whole world vanishes before her, abandoning her in the dark: alone, scared and lost. If she keeps her eyes open and focused and doesn't turn from what she's learned, I know He will carry her through. She need not have fear of what lies in front of her because the Lord Jesus Christ is with her, He loves her, He will never leave her alone.
Things are so much easier said than done. Is it really that easy to let things go and trust to make it out okay in the end? Can you just give it up and let your burdens rest on the shoulders of someone else?
With faith it is possible. although it might not be easy, it is attainable. She's starting a new phase in her life, physically and mentally farther from anywhere she's ever been or anything she's ever done. With much prayer and faith, she will adapt. She will learn, she will grow and she will achieve, because this is where God has lead her. With more bravery and faith than I can understand, her presence in my life has taught me gratitude. Accepting wholeheartedly the blessings from a Father who cares and only asks for our love in return. Choosing to move forward and use the gifts we receive, whether it takes us out of our comfort zone or not. Are you comfortable yet?
(ps- Mommy y Daddy, gracias por todo me han dado, ahora yo entiendo un poquito mejor los bendiciones he recibido de ustedes.)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Deep, dark eyes sparkling in the afternoon sun, freckles gently dusting his nose, looking in his eyes, he seems to be screaming out for help. As if his heart is breaking in two and he doesn't know why. Everyday is a journey for him, fighting the world around him, trying to allow the good to shine through. The emotional scars taunting him daily, constantly reminding him of where he was and what he could be. The spiritual battle going on inside of him is fierce, it's difficult for him to choose the right way to go. Everyday he decides who he wants to be. Waking up, it is hard to know what challenges he will encounter. He's sweet, he's vicious, he's sincere, he's sarcastic, he's kind-hearted, he's insulting, he's warming, he's malicious... unbeknownst to him, I am continually praying for him. For many of the kids that surround me, everyday is a battle, much different from the one you and I know. With emotional baggage weighing them down, some of them wondering why they weren't 'good enough' for their parents to love them, others wondering why did their parents have to die, why couldn't another kid's parents have died. The other night I was putting the boys to bed, we were joking around and having fun as usual, when all of the sudden I heard the sound of a fist pounding someone's body, quickly followed by the sound of someone crying. As I ran over to see what was going on, I yanked the one boy from on top of the other and began to interrogate him as to why he was hitting. He pushed and pulled, trying to free himself from my grip but I wouldn't let him go. Finally he gave up and I stood there with my arm wrapped around him, my hand laying over his heart, feeling it stomp at a racing pace against his chest. We stood there in silence, my mind searching for the answer as to what could have possibly set him off. I asked him again 'Why were you hitting him?' He pulled away and ran to his bed, his breathe steady, but hard. I left the room, still in thought over what had just happened. I've seen these boys fight before, but this time it had been different, it was something deeper. I have yet to find out just what went wrong. But thinking about the other night reminds me of a different kind of love that you learn while living here. The kind that allows you to stay when you want to walk away the most, the kind that holds on even when you don't want it to. The kind of love that no matter how heavy the weight gets that you are carrying on your shoulders, it is always there to help share the load.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Message Bean

My plant...


Since I last wrote, much has happened. We've started the new school year, added another volunteer to our list, made some interesting decisions, had some good days, and some bad days. Yesterday, Sabbath, was a really good day! Really good! A group from Andrews is working in a place about an hour and 1/2 from here so yesterday Sherin, Onilzon, Ioana and I went to a town called Peña Blanca to visit them. The entire day was really relaxed and very much how a Sabbath day should be. It was just such a good day, I can't fully explain it! These are the kinds of days that make me feel like I could stay here forever... After church we went and saw another Adventist orphanage and ate lunch there and got to spend sometime with our friends from Andrews. On our way back home we stopped by Lake Yojoa. It was the perfect day. The wind brushing my face, the water smoothly rocking the pier, the sun gentling warming my skin. How amazing, the creation of God, imagine what Heaven will be like! I can't do it justice to try to describe it. I just wanted to share how amazing He truly is. I couldn't have asked for a better way to breathe some fresh air, to rejuvente my sense, to make me come alive once again, to prepare myself for another week of teaching and working. As the sun slowly sank below the horizon, my heart was content and I felt renewed, rested and prepared to continue on with the work God has set out for me. This week, try to open your eyes to the things He has created for us all around, allow His creation to speak to you, I think you'll be amazed at how much He's trying to say to you.
I am teaching english again, but this school year only in the elementary school and this time around I'm teaching by myself. Some aspects of the job are easier and better, but others are still difficult. I'm learning and growing, every morning praying to God, telling Him I have no idea why I'm here or why He has sent me to do this, but I know He has put me here for a reason, I ask Him to use me how only He can.
Thank you again for taking the time to read this. God Bless!! :)
I've thrown myself headlong into your arms; I'm celebrating your
rescue. I'm singing at the top of my lungs, I'm so full of answered
prayers. - Psalm 13:5-6

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cambia Tu Vida

Last Sabbath evening, January 17th, finished the evangelistic series "Cambia Tu Vida", Change Your Life. The 8 volunteers here at the hogar, have been planning this since mid-September. It was an eight night series starting on the 10th of January. This was a full-blown evangelistic series, not just some meetings. We wanted to something different than had ever been done in this area before, and that we did! We had t-shirts made, went door-to-door, put up posters all over town, announced/advertised on the radio and t.v. and even set up a website (www.cambiavida.com). Every night, there was a full children's program that taught the topic for that night in a more kid-friendly way. The program was broadcast live on both the internet (audio and video) and the radio; was shown on the main t.v. station every night and played on two other main radio stations in town. 
Besides the actual program running every night, we also had 3 buses transporting people for free to and from the meetings. The featured speaker was none other than: Vlady Daddy, with song service, theme song, special music, question and answer time, crowd interaction, a short video segment and Emcees.
Planning an evangelistic series involves a lot more details than we had originally thought, but in the end we all learned so much, about ourselves, about each other and of course about our Almighty Creator! It ended up being pretty awesome and we were proud of how well it went for none of us having ever done before. But in the end we couldn't forgive who gave us the original idea in the first place and who led us through the whole process, nothing would have been possible without Him. 
Not as many people ended up coming as we had hoped, but we know that the Holy Spirit sent the people there who were supposed to be there, and we were told that an estimated 2,500 people were watching and listening in their homes. The whole thing went really well. By the 8th night we were all exhausted, but it was well worth it! Thank you for your prayers :)
Christmas/New Years/my birthday were all really good, really good :D I would even go so far as to say that this was my most favorite Christmas ever! and New Years and my birthday aren't far behind that. I loved all three days... there were soooooo good! I wouldn't mind spending another Christmas or two here...
Very surprisingly, my mom and sister paid a surprise visit the week before my birthday, it was soo weird! haha but I'm glad that they could come, it was really nice!
The new school year is fast approaching (Feb) and new job assignments will be given soon. When I find out, I'll let you know. 
I'll try not to let is be so long next time before I write another blog... I'm just getting lazier!.. but in the meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the pictures! Email me sometime  :)
Much Love, MC