Friday, May 28, 2010

Eres Bella

Dear Friend,
I can't say I know how you feel.
I can't say I understand.
I can't tell you it will be better,
But in the storm, I promise to hold your hand.
Broken is what you are, I can't do anything to fix that.
Pain is ever present, I can't make it go away.
All the love in the world can't make time go back
But you're still loved - You're beautiful anyways!
I don't know where to go from here.
I don't know what to say.
I wish you knew that I love you,
and that your beauty still remains.
Damaged is what you may feel, but He can mend the soul.
Hurt is in your heart, but He can make you whole.
All the love in the world is nothing compared to His.
His arms are open wide.
My friend, you are beautiful
I just wanted to let you know.
Don't let the world tell you differently
For the blame is not yours to tow.
Let Jesus carry your heavy heart,
I'll be right here by your side.
Call me whenever you need me,
It doesn't matter, day or night.

Te quiero mucho, aunque no lo sabes y por eso me duele pensar en tu dolor. La unica cosa que se hacer es orar a Jesús nuestro y es lo que estoy haciendo, fervientemente. En sus ojos é en los míos, por siempre sos bella, no importa las circunstancias. No lo dejes cambiarte... segui confiando en Dios. Con mucho cariño, te quiero, te quiero, te quiero.

With all my love,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! Keep blogging!